Spain book ticket to maiden Women's World Cup final after eliminating Sweden 2-1

Spain book ticket to maiden Women's World Cup final after eliminating Sweden 2-1

Carmona's late winning goal crushes Sweden's hopes

By Selcuk Bugra Gokalp

Spain became the first 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup finalist after eliminating Sweden 2-1 on Tuesday.

The game was mostly quiet until Spanish Salma Ayingolo netted the first goal in the 81st minute at Eden Park, New Zealand.

Rebecka Blomqvist's equalizer in the 88th minute gave hope to Swedish fans but, just one minute later, Olga Carmona crushed their final hope with the winning goal.

In the final on Aug. 20, Spain will take on the winner of England-Australia semifinal clash, which will be held Wednesday.

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