Spain is 3rd EU country with most households late in paying their rent or mortgage

Spain is 3rd EU country with most households late in paying their rent or mortgage

More than 2 out of 10 minors live in unsanitary houses, says study

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - Spain is the third European country with the most families having difficulty in paying the mortgage or rent at a rate that doubles the average, according to a report by a humanitarian organization on Tuesday.

Save the Children said in a statement that its study found that eight out of every 100 (8.4%) Spanish families have problems paying their mortgage or rent on time in Spain, double the average for the EU (4.3%).

The rise in housing prices, especially rental prices, which have not been accompanied by an increase in family income, "is causing them enormous payment difficulties," it said, and added that this overload affects four out of 10 households with dependent sons or daughters.

It underlined that they are those who have to allocate at least 30% of their income to paying for the house, which means having less budget for other parenting needs.

"Two out of 10 children and adolescents -21.4%- live in unhealthy houses, which have leaking roofs, damp walls, floors or foundations, or rot in window frames or floors," noted Andres Conde, the director of Save the Children, saying this situation "affects their physical and mental health, affects their growth, development, school performance, and their safety."

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