Syrian mother seeks reunion with daughter kidnapped by YPG/PKK terrorist group

Syrian mother seeks reunion with daughter kidnapped by YPG/PKK terrorist group

Hediye Anter was 16 when kidnapped by terrorists in Qamishli district of northeastern Syria 2 years ago, says her mother

By Omer Koparan

AZEZ, Syria (AA) – A Syrian mother hopes to reunite with her daughter, who was kidnapped or forcibly recruited by the YPG/PKK terrorist organization.

Sabah Anter said her daughter Hediye Anter was kidnapped by terrorists in the Qamishli district of northeastern Syria two years ago.

"She was kidnapped by the organization when she was only 16. My daughter used to play and study at home with her siblings. She used to go to school. She wanted to be a teacher,” she told Anadolu.

Noting that her daughter was kidnapped while receiving training at her school, she said she went to the security forces in the region and the UN offices to get her daughter back.

“My other children stopped going to school for fear of being kidnapped. They are even afraid of going out after their older sister was kidnapped,” she added.

Underlining that the PKK/YPG terrorists do not allow abducted children to meet with their families, she wanted the terror group to stop kidnapping children.

PKK/YPG terrorists usually take the young people and children they kidnap to camps for armed training.

According to UN figures, the terrorist group kidnapped 221 children in 2021 and added them to its ranks.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is its Syrian offshoot.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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