Syrian regime airstrikes kill s civilians in Homs

Syrian regime airstrikes kill s civilians in Homs

Syrian warplanes kill civilians in Homs province's north

By Mohamed Misto

HOMS, Syria (AA) – Six civilians were killed and 22 others were injured Tuesday when regime warplanes targeted al-Houla area and al-Rastan city in Homs province’s northern countryside, Syrian Civil Defense sources said.

The sources, who spoke to Anadolu Agency anonymously due to fears of reprisal, said the regime targeted residential areas in central Kafr Laha in al-Houla, leaving three women dead and injuring seven others, including two children.

Another airstrike in al-Rastan that hit a school left three people dead, including a woman and a child. It also injured 15 others, the sources said, adding that the school was evacuated once officials heard warplanes flying over the city.

Civilians in Homs province’s northern countryside have been under severe living conditions because of the regime’s besiege of the area for four years.

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