Syrian regime, Russian jets, Daesh kill 29 in Aleppo

Syrian regime, Russian jets, Daesh kill 29 in Aleppo

Syrian regime and Russian warplanes launch at least 40 airstrikes on towns in Aleppo province

By Halit Suleyman

ALEPPO, Syria (AA) – Twenty-nine civilians lost their lives Friday in the Aleppo province in separate attacks by the Syrian regime, Russian airstrikes, and the Daesh terrorist group, according to a civil defense official and a local source.

Abu Laith, a civil defense official in Aleppo, told Anadolu Agency that 15 civilians were killed and 35 injured when regime and Russian warplanes launched at least 40 airstrikes on the Aleppo province’s towns of Hayyan and Hraytan, the village of Kafr Hamra, and the city of Anadan.

The injured were taken to local field hospitals, he added.

Meanwhile, 14 civilians were killed by Daesh when the group opened fire randomly amid clashes with the opposition in the villages of Kaljibrin in Aleppo’s Azaz district, a local activist told Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity due to fear of reprisal.

Since last night Daesh took control of six villages, including Kaljibrin and Kafr Kalbin.

Syria has been locked in a vicious civil war since 2011, when the regime cracked down on pro-democracy protests with disproportionate force.

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