Temperatures reach 50C in Iraq’s capital Baghdad

Temperatures reach 50C in Iraq’s capital Baghdad

Met Department says temperatures to remain elevated until Monday

By Haydar Karaalp

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AA) – Temperatures in Iraq's capital Baghdad, which averaged between 45C and 48C in July, rose to 50C on Saturday afternoon.

The Met Department said that temperatures will remain elevated until Monday.

To make matters worse, citizens are dealing with frequent power cuts. Only three to five hours of electricity is being provided by the national grid in Baghdad.

The people of Baghdad receive electricity from neighborhood generators in exchange for money.

Low-income families cannot benefit from this service.

Speaking to Anadolu, Settar Ali, who sells water to passers-by on Alavi Street in central Baghdad, said: “It’s so hot. There is no electricity at home and I’m on the streets to put food on the table for my children and pay my rent. I sprinkle water on my face to cool off.”

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