Tenure of Israel’s liaison office in Morocco ends

Tenure of Israel’s liaison office in Morocco ends

Alona Fisher-Kamm appointed head of Israeli liaison office in Morocco in September

RABAT, Morocco (AA) - Head of the Israeli liaison office in Morocco, Alona Fisher-Kamm, announced the end of her tenure in the North African nation on Saturday.

“The impact of Morocco will stay with me forever,” Fisher-Kamm tweeted. “I visited cities, villages, beaches, mountains and deserts, fed hundreds of cats, and got acquainted in all regions with the beauty of nature and its distinguished inhabitants.”

“I also got acquainted with the Jewish heritage in all parts of the country, and the values of coexistence and tolerance between religions that the Kingdom has always enjoyed.”

No successor was announced to the Israeli diplomat.

Fisher-Kamm was appointed head of the Israeli liaison office in September, replacing David Govrin who faced sexual misconduct allegations.

Israel and Morocco resumed their diplomatic relations in December 2020 after they were suspended in 2000 following the outbreak of the second Palestinian Intifada.

*Ikram Kouachi in Ankara contributed to this report

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