Thai court sends ex-premier to jail, lawmakers set to elect new prime minister

Thai court sends ex-premier to jail, lawmakers set to elect new prime minister

Pheu Thai Party leader Srettha Thavisin nominated for prime minister's post in 2nd vote

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) — Thailand's Supreme Court on Tuesday sent former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to prison for eight years upon his return from over a decade of exile.

For the first time in 15 years, Shinawatra returned home, where he faces corruption charges and three convictions in his absence, Thai PBS reported.

His jail term extends at least eight years.

Meanwhile, lawmakers from the bicameral parliament are set to elect their new prime minister in a second vote since general elections were held in May.

Pheu Thai Party leader Chonlanan Srikaewnominated Srettha Thavisin early on Tuesday for the position.

The party claims support of a 314-vote coalition from 11 parties.

The premier candidate must get at least 376 vote to lead the government.

In this case, a vote of confidence from junta-elected senators is crucial for Thavisin's election to the top government position.

Kaynak:Source of News

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