Thailand premier discuss cooperation in agriculture, education with OIC chief

Thailand premier discuss cooperation in agriculture, education with OIC chief

OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha visits Bangkok to emphasize collaboration, praising Thai Muslims successful integration

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) – Thailand’s prime minister and the Organization of Islamic Council (OIC) secretary general met on Thursday to discuss bilateral agriculture, education, and training cooperation.

As part of his official 3-day visit to Thailand, OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha met with Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-O-Cha at the Thai Government House in Bangkok with the deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of Thailand also in attendance.

Prayut thanked Taha for the visit and emphasized that his government is committed to bilateral collaborations, read a statement released by the OIC.

He noted that Thailand continues to support the OIC and other member states.

Earlier on Wednesday, Taha met with Thailand’s foreign minister and thanked the Thailand government for efforts to ensure protection of Muslims' rights in the country and promote peaceful coexistence.

The secretary general also praised the government's role in integrating Muslims into the country and fostering peaceful coexistence among religious groups.

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