Thousands of teachers to strike in England, Wales

Thousands of teachers to strike in England, Wales

National Education Union says strike decided with biggest ballot result in recent times as over 120K teachers vote in favor

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Tens of thousands of teachers across England and Wales will walk out in February and March, the National Education Union (NEU) said on Monday.

The NEU, the largest education union in the UK, said that union members overwhelmingly voted in favor of taking action for a fully funded, above-inflation pay rise.

"In Wales, 88.26% of support staff voted YES to taking industrial action on a turnout of 51.30% ... In England, 84.13% of support staff in the ballot group voted YES to taking industrial action on a turnout of 46.46%," said the union.

On Feb. 1, all union members in England and Wales, on Feb. 14 all union members in Wales and on Feb. 28, all members in Northern, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber regions will walk out.

Also, on March 1, all member teachers in East Midlands, West Midlands, Eastern regions, on March 2 all members in London, South East, and South West regions, and on March 15 and 16 all members in England and Wales will strike.

"Schools cannot run without support staff and the vital work they do," added the NEU.

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