Thousands protest in Madrid against proposed amnesty deal for Catalan separatists

Thousands protest in Madrid against proposed amnesty deal for Catalan separatists

Supporters of conservative People’s Party take to the streets for third time against planned deal

By Senhan Bolelli

MADRID (AA) - Thousands of people filled the streets of the Spanish capital Madrid on Sunday to protest against a planned amnesty deal with Catalan separatists aimed at helping the left-wing government secure a new term.

It marked the third such rally organized by the conservative People's Party (PP) since the end of September.

Speaking at the demonstration, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, the head of the PP, criticized Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s initiative for securing a new term for his minority government.

The right-wing Vox party also supported the rally.

On Nov. 16, Spain’s parliament re-elected Sanchez as prime minister, allowing him to form a new coalition government.

The Socialist politician will head a progressive government alongside the leftist Sumar party, a partnership that has led Spain since January 2020.

His demand for amnesty for Catalan separatists has sparked controversy in Spain, triggering massive protests.

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