Three Ukrainian soldiers killed in eastern clashes

Three Ukrainian soldiers killed in eastern clashes

Casualties as fighting intensifies around Donetsk, Mariupol, Ukrainian military says

KIEV, Ukraine (AA) - Three Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and eight injured in fresh fighting in the country’s east, the military said Monday.

Spokesman Andriy Lysenko said battles between government forces and Russia-backed separatists had intensified over the last month.

Speaking at a news conference in Kiev, he added: “Over the past day, three Ukrainian soldiers lost their lives at the end of operations, eight soldiers were wounded. These losses happened around Donetsk and Mariupol.”

Donetsk is controlled by separatist rebels while Mariupol, on the Azov coast, is under government rule.

In the last week, 12 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed according to the government. More than 9,300 have died since the conflict began in April 2014.

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