Toronto police find remains of six victims

Toronto police find remains of six victims

Accused serial killer allegedly hid some remains in large planters

By Barry Ellsworth

TRENTON, Canada (AA) – Toronto police said Thursday they have uncovered the remains of six men on a property where a suspected serial killer had done landscaping work.

Bruce McArthur, 66, had already been charged with five counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of several males, some of whom were Middle Eastern. The victims are Selim Esen, 44, Andrew Kinsman, 49, Majeed Kayhan, 58, Soroush Mahmudi, 50, and Dean Lisowick, aged 43 or 44.

Human remains of at least three victims have been found hidden in large planters on a Toronto property where McArthur worked and stored his equipment.

The Toronto forensic unit has been busy going through more than 12 planters gathered from some of the 30 properties where McArthur did landscaping.

Police said they believe more charges will be laid as they prepare to use ground penetrating radar and canine units as well as large heaters to thaw the frozen ground in the search for more victims.

All of the victims, some of whom disappeared eight years ago, were identified as being part of Toronto’s Gay Village, a predominantly gay neighborhood.

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