Tourism spending in Canada grows 1.8% in 1st quarter

Tourism spending in Canada grows 1.8% in 1st quarter

Passenger air transport contributed to nearly 2/3 of total tourism spending growth, says Statistics Canada

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Tourism spending in Canada rose 1.8% in the first quarter compared to the previous one, the country's national statistical agency said Wednesday.

Despite the increase, the figure is a slowdown from a 2.4% gain in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The tourism gross domestic product climbed 1.5% and jobs attributable to tourism gained 0.9% this January-March, according to Statistics Canada.

"Increased tourism spending by both Canadians and international visitors in Canada contributed to the rise in the first quarter," it said in a statement. "Overall, tourism spending rose to 93.3% of its level recorded in the fourth quarter of 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic."

Passenger air transport contributed to nearly two-thirds of total tourism spending growth, up 4.7%.

"On a nominal basis, tourism's share of GDP increased to 1.59%," said the statement.

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