Train, flight operations to be ceased on Tuesday as Typhoon Lan approaches western Japan

Train, flight operations to be ceased on Tuesday as Typhoon Lan approaches western Japan

Operations between Nagoya-Shin-Osaka-Okayama stations to be suspended while Japan Airlines cancels 240 flights, including those to and from Itami Airport

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) – Japanese railway companies and airlines have announced the suspension of high-speed train services and flights as strong Typhoon Lan approaches the Pacific coast of western Japan and is expected to make landfall on Tuesday, the Tokyo-based Kyodo News reported.

The typhoon is currently heading towards Japan's western Pacific coast, where it will affect many people during the traditional Bon holidays, both the meteorological agency and transportation companies said in their announcements on Monday.

Central Japan Railway has announced that all operations on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line between Nagoya and Shin-Osaka stations will be suspended on Tuesday. It also announced a significant reduction in service between Tokyo and Nagoya stations.

During this period, the majority of bullet trains will operate without designated seat reservations.

Although service suspensions were not planned for Monday and Wednesday, the operator warned passengers of the possibility of sudden changes, the news agency reported.

Similarly, West Japan Railway will cancel bullet train services between Shin-Osaka and Okayama stations on the same day.

Meanwhile, Japan Airlines has also announced the cancellation of 19 flights for Monday, including routes to and from Itami Airport in western Japan.

Furthermore, 240 flights are scheduled to be canceled on Tuesday, affecting approximately 24,800 travelers.

A significant number of people were on the move during the primary holiday season for the first time since COVID-19 received a legal reclassification to be on par with the seasonal flu.

On Sunday, certain railway stations, airports, and highways experienced heavy traffic as people chose to return from their Bon holidays ahead of their initial plans.

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