Trump's statements on Muslims 'very dangerous': Cameron

Trump's statements on Muslims 'very dangerous': Cameron

British PM says American presidential candidate Donald Trump's remarks regarding Muslims were 'wrong and divisive'

LONDON (AA) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Sunday that U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's comments on banning Muslims from entering the U.S. were "very dangerous".

Speaking on the British ITV channel, Cameron added that despite his "wrong and divisive" statements, if Trump were to come to the U.K. ahead of the U.S. elections, he would be "very happy to meet him".

"American presidential candidates have made a habit of coming through Europe and through the U.K., so if that happens I'd be very happy to," he said.

"I don't withdraw in any way what I said about the policy of not letting Muslims into America. I do think that is wrong and divisive."

Last December, Cameron called Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. "stupid".

“I think his remarks are divisive, stupid and wrong and I think if he came to visit our country, he would unite us all against him,” Cameron said during a Prime Minister's Question time at the Parliament.

Kaynak:Source of News

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