Turkey brings back 64 truck drivers from Saudi Arabia

Turkey brings back 64 truck drivers from Saudi Arabia

Drivers put under quarantine for 14 days

By Burak Milli

HATAY, Turkey (AA) - Dozens of truck drivers trapped in Saudi Arabia due to the novel coronavirus outbreak were brought back via sea and are set to be put under quarantine for two weeks.

Some sixty-four drivers were brought by a ship named "MV Med Bridge" to the LimakPort harbor of Iskenderun province, and they underwent health examinations by the provincial healthcare authorities.

The custom units disinfected the vehicles ahead of their evacuation from the ship.

As part of coronavirus measures, the drivers will be under quarantine for 14 days at their homes and the process will be followed by local authorities.

The drivers went to Saudi Arabia two months ago, however, they wouldn’t be able to return to Turkey as Ro-Ro ships no longer conducted new voyages to the kingdom as part of measures aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Since first appearing in Wuhan, China last December, the novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, has spread to at least 187 countries and regions, with the US and Europe the hardest-hit areas.

More than 3.58 million cases have been reported worldwide, with the death toll nearing 251,600 and more than 1.16 million recoveries, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University in the US.

*Writing by Ali Murat Alhas

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