Turkey, coalition kill 5 Daesh members in NSyria

Turkey, coalition kill 5 Daesh members in NSyria

Daesh targets hit as they were reportedly getting ready to attack Turkey

By Cuneyt Ates

ANKARA (AA) - At least five Daesh terrorists were killed early Monday in northern Syria during an operation by the Turkish Armed Forces and the U.S.-led coalition, security sources said.

According to Turkish security sources speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking with the media, on Monday Turkish army howitzers – known as Firtina (“storm” in Turkish) – hit Daesh targets reportedly readying to attack Turkey.

The targets consisted of two buildings containing Katyusha rocket launchers and mortars, the sources said.

Coalition forces also conducted three airstrikes on the Daesh positions in Syria, the sources added.

Turkey’s southeastern province of Kilis has faced a spate of cross-border rocket attacks from Daesh in recent months.

*Anadolu Agency Correspondent Diyar Guldogan contributed to this story.

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