Turkish charity to build water wells in Niger

Turkish charity to build water wells in Niger

Many Nigerien citizens facing water shortages which hit hardest during Ramadan

NIAMEY, Niger (AA) – Turkey's Cansuyu Charity and Solidarity Organization has said it will build wells in Niger as the country faces serious water shortages and drought.

"We will launch various campaigns to build water wells in Niger,” Mesut Ceylan, the association’s Africa representative, told Anadolu Agency.

He said the people of Niger are suffering because of a lack of drinking water. Many citizens of the Muslim-majority country are forced to stand in long queues to get water, especially during Ramadan, he added.

“This needs to be solved urgently. For example, people should prioritize vocational training in order to stand on their own feet.

“We will take the necessary initiatives with institutions and organizations related to this issue,” Ceylan added.

Cansuyu Charity and Solidarity Organization has also distributed over 1,000 food aid packages to Nigerians during the holy month.

Over the past years other Turkish aid agencies have built many wells and donated humanitarian aid to Niger.

Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TIKA) has dug water wells in 30 villages in the West African state.

Niger, one of the world’s poorest countries, was ranked 188th by the UN’s Human Development Index in a 2015 report.

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