Turkish Coast Guard rescues 10 irregular migrants off Izmir’s coast

Turkish Coast Guard rescues 10 irregular migrants off Izmir’s coast

Boat carrying migrants pushed back by Greek forces rescued, another 13 migrants captured

By Tezcan Ekizler

IZMIR, Türkiye (AA) – The Turkish Coast Guard rescued 10 irregular migrants on Sunday who were attempting to cross the Aegean Sea and were pushed back into Turkish territorial waters by Greek forces off the coast of Izmir province.

A coast guard boat was dispatched to the area upon receiving information about a group of irregular migrants in a rubber boat near Dikili district, the Coast Guard Command said in a statement.

The teams brought the irregular migrants ashore.

Meanwhile, 13 irregular migrants were also captured in the rubber boat stopped by the coast guard boat on duty off the coast of Dikili district.

The irregular migrants were handed over to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration after the necessary procedures.

*Writing by Alperen Aktas in Istanbul

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