Turkish Coast Guards rescue 42 Syrians in Aegean Sea

Turkish Coast Guards rescue 42 Syrians in Aegean Sea

54 undocumented migrants were also held across Turkey on Wednesday

By Ferdi Uzun

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish Coast Guards rescued 42 Syrians in the Aegean Sea, near the coast of the western Aydin province on Wednesday.

Forty-two Syrians in a boat that was about to sink were rescued, according to a Coast Guard official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to media.

Ten of them were children and 12 women, said the official.

Separately, a total of 54 undocumented migrants -- 42 in eastern Erzincan province, 12 in western Edirne province -- were held on Wednesday, according to gendarmerie sources.

Two people were arrested for suspected human smuggling.

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