Turkish embassy in Athens marks 7th anniversary of defeated coup in Türkiye

Turkish embassy in Athens marks 7th anniversary of defeated coup in Türkiye

Türkiye expects Greece to do its part in struggle against terrorism, says Turkish envoy

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – The Turkish embassy in Athens on Friday marked the 7th anniversary of the defeated coup in Türkiye by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO).

In reference to the defeated coup on the night of July 15, 2016, the Turkish Ambassador to Greece, Cagatay Erciyes, stressed the treacherous act which targeted the democracy and independence of the country was eventually defeated owing to the bravery and resilience of the security forces and people led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

That night on which 252 were killed and 2,470 were injured is a victory of our national unity and democracy, he added.

As to the Türkiye’s ongoing struggle against the FETO, Erciyes underscored that FETO members had intensified their operations abroad, including in Greece, after the defeated coup.

Türkiye expects Greece, which itself suffered from terrorism, to do its part in the struggle against terrorism, says the Turkish envoy, adding that he hopes the ongoing positive atmosphere between the two countries would be reflected in the anti-terror effort.

“FETO poses a serious threat not only to Türkiye but also to all countries where it operates,” Erciyes said.

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