Turkish jets kill '30 PKK terrorists' in northern Iraq

Turkish jets kill '30 PKK terrorists' in northern Iraq

Airstrikes in northern Iraq's Qandil and Metina regions Thursday also destroyed terrorist PKK shelters

ANKARA (AA) – At least 30 PKK terrorists were killed in airstrikes carried out by Turkish jets in northern Iraq Thursday, the military announced Sunday.

According to a statement posted on the Turkish General Staff website, Turkish warplanes carried out the airstrikes in the neighboring country’s Qandil region.

The terror group's bases in the Metina region were also bombed in a separate airstrike Saturday, which destroyed 11 PKK positions, including shelters and caves, the army added.

PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU – resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015.

Since then, more than 450 Turkish security personnel have been martyred and over 4,500 PKK terrorists killed.

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