Turkish Mehteran unit performs at Istanbul's iconic Topkapi Palace

Turkish Mehteran unit performs at Istanbul's iconic Topkapi Palace

Performances to continue every Tuesday until Sept. 13 at Dolmabahce Palace, on Wednesdays at Topkapi Palace

By Husame Battal

ISTANBUL (AA) — The Turkish armed forces' "Mehteran," or military band, unit performed on Wednesday at Istanbul's iconic Topkapi Palace.

The event, featuring a centuries-old tradition, was held by the Presidency of National Palaces, as it kicked off summer performances in Türkiye.

Locals and foreign tourists watched the show in front of the Topkapi Palace.

Anadolu captured the performance with a first-person view (FPV) drone.

Performances will be held every Tuesday until Sept. 13 at 11.00 a.m. local time (0800GMT) in front of the Treasury Gate of the Dolmabahce Palace, as well as in front of the Babussade gate of Topkapi Palace on Wednesdays at the same hour.

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