Turkish NGO opens charity store in Syria's Idlib

Turkish NGO opens charity store in Syria's Idlib

Syrians will be able to choose clothes they need in the store, says foundation official

By Cem Genco

HATAY, Turkey (AA) - Turkey's Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) opened a charity store in Syria's northern Idlib, according to an official on Thursday.

Selim Tosun, the foundation's media adviser, told Anadolu Agency that the clothing store located in Aqrabat village will benefit 500 people weekly.

"We are paying careful attention that people do not get offended when we distribute aid and that the help meets their needs. For this reason we have created a system that allows people to choose the clothes they need," he said.

"Those who come to the store will be able to get the goods they wish for according to the quota allocated to them," he added.

Tosun said that the IHH carried out the project in cooperation with the Sunrise Association, a nonprofit in Idlib.

The foundation will continue to open more stores in various regions of Syria, Tosun added.

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