Turkish opposition leader criticizes US over PKK move

Turkish opposition leader criticizes US over PKK move

MHP leader Bahceli says Washington's main goal is to elevate PKK's Syrian affiliate YPG

By Esin Isik

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey's opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader on Thursday criticized the U.S. decision to put multi-million-dollar bounties on three key PKK terrorists, saying Washington's primary goal is to elevate YPG.

Devlet Bahceli said in a tweet: “They put bounties on the head of PKK terrorists. It is the U.S. who knows best the location and coordination of these 3 terrorists. If they want, they will find these murderers very easily.”

“The aim of the U.S. is different,” he said, adding that what they wanted to do is to promote YPG which is PKK's Syrian branch.

“They know very well that PKK equals YPG.

“What is important is how and in what way the U.S. will thereafter establish its relations with Turkey. We will follow this determinedly.

“If they suppose they would establish a so-called big Kurdistan [state] along our southern border, Turkish nation and Turkey will never allow this betrayal."

On Tuesday, the U.S. State Department put a bounty on three key PKK terrorists, the U.S. Embassy in Ankara announced.

Under the Rewards for Justice program, people who give information on the identification or location of PKK terrorists Murat Karayilan, Cemil Bayik, and Duran Kalkan are eligible for rewards of $3-5 million.

The announcement followed U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer’s official visit to capital Ankara.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU. In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, it has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women and children.

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