Turkish police arrest 30 over parallel state financing

Turkish police arrest 30 over parallel state financing

Police arrest 30 people over alleged financing of parallel state, which is said to be planning overthrow Turkish government

By Ertugrul Subasi & Cankut Tasdan

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish police arrested Tuesday 30 people in five provinces across Turkey for allegedly financing the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO)/Parallel State Structure (PDY), also known as the parallel state, with help from a firm in the United States.

Police sources told Anadolu Agency, on the condition of anonymity, that a U.S.-based firm located in Pennsylvania and called the Respect Institute had been financing the parallel state.

Arrest warrants for a total number of 46 people were issued, but only 30 people have so far been taken into custody. Seven of the remaining suspects are believed to be in Turkey while the nine others are said to be in the U.S., according to police.

Seven of the latter reportedly hold managerial positions while two are financiers at the Respect Institute, which received its name by Fetullah Gulen himself.

FETO/PDY has allegedly been planning to overthrow the Turkish government. The organization, which is led by U.S.-based preacher Fetullah Gulen, is accused of using followers embedded in the country’s institutions, including the judiciary and the police, to stage a coup.

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