Turkish President Erdogan hails Slovenia's recognition of Palestinian statehood

Turkish President Erdogan hails Slovenia's recognition of Palestinian statehood

Ljubljana's decision to 'contribute to lasting peace and tranquility in the region,' Recep Tayyip Erdogan tells Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob in phone call

By Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) — Slovenia's decision to recognize Palestine as a state will "contribute to lasting peace and tranquility in the region," Türkiye's president told the Central European country's premier on Tuesday.

"Congratulating Slovenia on its decision to recognize Palestine as a state, President Erdogan expressed that this understanding would contribute to lasting peace and tranquility in the region," Türkiye's Communications Directorate said after a phone call between Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Robert Golob.

Erdogan and Golob also discussed relations between the two nations, as well as regional and global issues, the directorate said on X, adding that the Turkish leader also "celebrated Slovenia on the occasion of the Statehood Day."

Slovenian lawmakers approved a motion earlier this month to officially recognize Palestine as an independent state.

The motion had been endorsed by Golob's government days earlier, referring it to the National Assembly for final approval.

Slovenia is one of several countries that recently recognized Palestine as a state, also including Armenia, Spain, Norway, and Ireland.

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