Turkish Press Review

Turkish Press Review

Monday's papers mainly covered Turkey’s capture of an accused serial killer and the national team’s poor start at Euro 2016

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish dailies’ coverage on Monday focused mainly on Turkey’s capture of an accused serial killer, the national team’s poor start at Euro 2016, and the mass shooting at a U.S. nightclub.

“Serial killer caught in minibus,” was SABAH’s headline, reporting that Atalay F., the alleged killer of three people since 2013, was arrested in the Aegean province of Izmir on Sunday.

STAR said the fugitive was caught in a minibus when some commuters and the driver recognized him and alerted the police.

The case of the suspected serial killer heated up last week after it emerged that Atalay F. was also allegedly responsible for the murder of a history teacher on May 26.

Local press claimed that the suspect also murdered two other people back in 2013.

He has been on the loose since then.

“[He] ate frogs and plants,” was MILLIYET’s headline, saying that he had spent his last days on the run around the mountains, eating frogs and plants to survive, according to MILLIYET.

HABERTURK claimed that in questioning with Istanbul police, Atalay F. confessed to having killed the history teacher because she recognized him from news accounts of his earlier murders.

VATAN said that one police officer drew criticism after she took a selfie with the suspected killer.

The deadliest-ever mass shooting in the United States, in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, was also covered by many dailies.

The shooter, identified as Omar Mateen, 29, killed at least 50 people and injured 53 others at a gay nightclub in Orlando.

“ISIS massacre in the U.S.,” was CUMHURIYET’s headline, using an alternate name for Daesh.

CUMHURIYET said that Daesh claimed responsibility for the shooting and added that Mateen, who was killed when police stormed the nightclub, had been questioned three times since 2013 for alleged links with radical groups.

“Deadliest since Sept. 11,” was HURRIYET’s headline, reporting that the shooting was the bloodiest on American soil since the September 2001 attacks.

VATAN reported that U.S. President Barack Obama blamed lax gun laws for the shooting.

In other news, on Sunday Turkey’s national soccer team was defeated by Croatia in the Euro 2016 Group D opener in Paris.

“Poor start,” was YENI SAFAK’s headline, while CUMHURIYET declared: “Disappointment”.

HABERTURK said the Turkish team was defeated but commented that it is “too early for despair”.

The national team’s coach Fatih Terim congratulated Croatia and said, “I am sorry. But we will learn lessons [from this match],” according to HABERTURK.

After losing to Croatia 1-0, Turkey is looking ahead to Spain in the upcoming Group D match on June 17 in Nice.

Title contenders Spain will play their first Euro 2016 match against the Czech Republic on Monday in Toulouse.

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