Turkish security forces nab niece of FETO terror leader in Istanbul

Turkish security forces nab niece of FETO terror leader in Istanbul

Asiye Gulen, her husband Mustafa Camyar held in Esenyurt district

By Emrah Gokmen

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish security forces nabbed the niece of Fetullah Gulen, the head of the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETO), in Istanbul on Saturday.

Intelligence teams of the Istanbul Police nabbed Asiye Gulen and her spouse Mustafa Camyar in the Esenyurt district, said the source on condition of anonymity.

During the operation, police seized organizational documents as well as "F" series 1 dollar banknotes, eight mobile phones, 12 SIM cards, two laptops, numerous flash drives, DVDs, and hard disks.

FETO orchestrated the defeated coup of July 15, 2016, in Türkiye, in which 251 people were killed and 2,734 injured.

Türkiye accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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