Turkish, Ukrainian presidents discuss extension of Black Sea grain deal

Turkish, Ukrainian presidents discuss extension of Black Sea grain deal

Turkish President Erdogan held phone call with Zelenskyy upon request of Ukraine's leader

By Faruk Zorlu

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed the extension of the Black Sea grain deal over a phone call on Friday.

"The leaders discussed in detail the extension of the Black Sea Grain Corridor Agreement during the phone call held at the request of President Zelenskyy of Ukraine," the Turkish Communications Directorate said on Twitter.

During the conversation, Erdogan emphasized that Türkiye has made "intense efforts" to maintain peace.

Earlier this week, Russia pulled out of the Black Sea grain deal, saying the Russian part of the agreement was not implemented.

The agreement, initially signed in July of last year in Istanbul by Türkiye, the UN, Russia, and Ukraine, was aimed at resuming grain exports from Ukrainian ports which had been halted as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war which began in February 2022.

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