Turkish university condemns Israeli arrest of lecturer

Turkish university condemns Israeli arrest of lecturer

Assistant professor of law Cemil Tekeli was arrested on Jan. 15 in Israel

By Alptekin Soykan

ISTANBUL (AA) - A Turkish university on Wednesday condemned the arrest of one of its professors by Israeli forces.

The academic staff of Istanbul Medeniyet University and its students gathered at its entrance to protest Israel’s extension of the detention period of Cemil Tekeli, an assistant professor of law.

Istanbul Medeniyet University’s President Prof. Ihsan Karaman and Tekeli’s wife Meryem Tekeli were among the protesters.

The crowd chanted slogans for the release of Tekeli and carried placards with his photographs.

Speaking to reporters on behalf of the protesters, Fatih Yigit, an assistant professor of political science, said Tekeli’s arrest on Jan. 15 at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport was “unlawful”.

He said Tekeli appeared in a court on on Jan. 21, which resulted in the extension of his detention period.

“As Istanbul Medeniyet University’s academic and administrative staff as well as its students, we condemn Israel.

"We hope that Professor Tekeli will be released as soon as possible and we would like to express that we are supporting and standing by him.”

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