Turkish vice president arrives in Algeria for high-level talks

Turkish vice president arrives in Algeria for high-level talks

Algerian Prime Minister Mohammed Nezir el-Arbavi welcomes Cevdet Yilmaz with official ceremony

By Harun Kutbe

ALGIERS (AA) – Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz arrived in Algiers on Sunday on an official visit to discuss bilateral issues with Algerian leadership.

Yilmaz was greeted with an official ceremony at Huari Bumedyen Airport by Algerian Prime Minister Mohammed Nezir el-Arbavi and other officials.

Yilmaz met with Arbavi and his delegation in the airport's VIP lounge.

He was accompanied by Family and Social Services Minister Mahinur Ozdemir Goktas, Trade Minister Omer Bolat, Türkiye's Ambassador to Algeria Muhammet Mucahit Kucukyilmaz, AK Party Deputy from Hatay province Abdulkadir Ozel, and MHP party Deputy from Hatay province Lutfi Kasikci.

*Writing by Gizem Nisa Cebi from Istanbul

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