Türkiye continuing its all-out battle against FETO: Turkish communications director

Türkiye continuing its all-out battle against FETO: Turkish communications director

Türkiye stopped coup attempt, made great efforts to eliminate FETO members from all its institutions and organizations, says Fahrettin Altun

By Muhammed Enes Calli

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye continues to wage an all-out battle against the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the country’s communications director said Thursday.

"The story of each citizen who became a martyr or wounded in the July 15 (2016) resistance, in which the Turkish nation sacrificed itself for the gains, contains significant messages, Fahrettin Altun said in a video message for a panel discussion titled "July 15 Victory of Turkish Democracy" organized by Türkiye's Communications Directorate.

The panel, for the seventh anniversary of the July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day, took place in Berlin, Germany and Stockholm, Sweden.

"As the Communications Directorate, we have been working tirelessly since July 15, 2016, to ensure that these stories can be passed down from generation to generation. We uphold our victory and honor the memories of our martyrs and veterans," said Altun.

FETO and its US-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup of July 15, 2016, in which 251 people were killed and 2,734 injured.

Ankara also accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary.

Altun said the Communications Directorate has been spreading awareness about the coup attempt and exposing FETO and its crimes both domestically and internationally.

"On the night of July 15, this nation launched an unprecedented mobilization in the face of the betrayal it encountered. In response to the call of our president, people from all over the country poured into the streets, avenues and squares, shielding their chests against the invasion."

He added that the Turkish nation under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dealt a major blow to the coup plotters.

"During the historic night of resistance, 252 citizens achieved martyrdom while resisting the traitorous (FETO) gang members."

Altun noted that FETO is not only the enemy of Türkiye but also of every state that allows it to grow and of humanity itself.

"FETO is a global terrorist organization, and just like all other terrorist organizations, an international fight based on cooperation and solidarity should be undertaken against this organization," he said.

"Türkiye is stronger today than ever before in the ongoing struggle with determination."

Altun said that some countries or groups who define themselves as Türkiye's "friends and allies" and consider themselves the owners of some values including democracy, human rights and freedoms failed to even condemn the coup attempt.

Türkiye managed to stop the coup attempt and put up a great struggle to eliminate the members of the FETO terror group from all its institutions and organizations, he said.

"All institutions and organizations, especially the Turkish Armed Forces and security forces, have been cleansed from the bloody FETO."

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