Türkiye extends condolences to Pakistan over deadly train crash

Türkiye extends condolences to Pakistan over deadly train crash

Earlier, passenger train derailed in Pakistan's southern Sindh province, leaving 30 people dead, 100 others injured

By Tugba Altun

Türkiye on Sunday extended its condolences to Pakistan over a passenger train accident that left 30 people dead and 100 others injured.

“We learned with great sorrow the loss of many lives due to the derailment of the Karachi-Rawalpindi passenger train in Pakistan today (6 August),” a Foreign Ministry statement said.

“We wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives, extend our condolences first and foremost to the relatives of the deceased as well as to the friendly and brotherly people and the Government of Pakistan, and wish speedy recovery to the injured,” the statement added.

Earlier, a passenger train derailed in Pakistan's southern Sindh province, leaving 30 people dead and 100 others injured.

Pakistan’s Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafiq said the accident may have occurred as a result of "technical failure" or "sabotage."

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