Türkiye takes precautions, continues operations against terrorist groups: Ministry

Türkiye takes precautions, continues operations against terrorist groups: Ministry

A total of 378 people have been detained in January during operations against PKK/PYD terrorist organization, Interior Ministry says

By Diyar Guldogan

ANKARA (AA) - Türkiye is resolutely continuing its fight against terrorist organizations, including the PKK/PYD, Daesh/ISIS and the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the Interior Ministry said Monday.

"After the ominous actions against our holy book, the Quran, in Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark, all evaluations were made against all possible provocations, and our security measures were maximized, the ministry said in a statement.

In this context, the ministry also evaluated information that terrorist organizations such as Daesh/ISIS and al-Qaeda are also seeking action in many countries, citing the aforementioned "abominable acts.”

Türkiye "meticulously" evaluates the intelligence information transmitted to Ankara from time to time from countries that issue security warnings for Türkiye and from many other countries.

"Operations against terrorist organizations continue uninterruptedly in our country,” said the ministry

"In 2022, 1,042 operations were carried out against the Daesh terrorist organization, and 1,981 people were detained. In January 2023, a total of 60 operations were carried out against the same organization and 95 people were detained.”

The ministry added that In 2022, a total of 134,713 operations were carried out against the PKK/PYD terrorist organization, and 8,410 suspects were detained in these operations.

"In January 2023, a total of 9,040 operations were carried out against the same organization, and 378 people were detained during the operations," it said.

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