Türkiye's communications director urges for global fight against FETO terror group

Türkiye's communications director urges for global fight against FETO terror group

FETO taken under the wings of West, just as terrorist organization PKK is protected, Fahrettin Altun says

By Merve Aydogan

ANKARA (AA) - Emphasizing that the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) is a "global terrorist organization," Türkiye’s Communication’s Director Fahrettin Altun on Wednesday called for a global fight against the terror group.

Speaking at the event, Symposium on the International Fight Against FETO, in Ankara, Altun said supporting and defending a terrorist organization "will only fuel the fire of global terrorism."

"We see today that FETO is taken under the wings of the West, just as terrorist organization PKK/PYD is protected. The circles that supposedly market it as the face of moderate Islam are trying to hide the anti-democratic, totalitarian and terrorist nature of FETO," Altun said.

FETO orchestrated the July 15, 2016 defeated coup in Türkiye in which 251 people were killed and 2,734 injured.

Ankara accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary.

The communications director stressed that FETO is "a radical terrorist group," and that it used its "militants to infiltrate the strategic institutions of states and exploited the national and moral sensitivities of the country."

Saying that it is necessary to observe and examine similar cult terrorist organizations that have emerged around the world to better understand FETO, Altun said "the apocalyptic beliefs of these cult terrorist organizations lead to devastating consequences if precautions are not taken."

Altun emphasized that Türkiye continues to fight FETO "uninterruptedly and decisively, not only domestically but also in the international arena."

He said Türkiye's Justice Ministry requested the extradition of 1,022 members of the organization from 109 countries, while the Turkish Maarif Foundation took over 220 schools in 19 countries from the group.

Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) ensured the extradition of more than 100 FETO affiliates to the country, he added.

Altun vowed to continue efforts until the last FETO affiliate is held accountable.

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