Türkiye's President Erdogan to attend 3 major summits in July

Türkiye's President Erdogan to attend 3 major summits in July

Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take part in Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting in Kazakhstan, informal talks within Organization of Turkic States in Azerbaijan, NATO Leaders Summit in US

By Mehmet Tosun and Esra Tekin

ANKARA/ISTANBUL (AA) — Türkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be visiting three different countries to attend diplomatic summits next month.

Erdogan is expected to attend the Heads of State and Government Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the Kazakh capital Astana. The two-day event is set to begin on Wednesday.

He will later attend an informal leaders summit of the Organization of Turkic States in the Azerbaijani city of Shusha on July 6.

One of the main events in Erdogan's diplomatic efforts in July will take place in Washington, where he will be attending a three-day NATO Leaders Summit, starting on July 9.

The Turkish leader is expected to hold bilateral talks with many of his counterparts during these visits.

The situation in Gaza will be high on the agenda, along with discussions on enhancing cooperation within international organizations.

Other issues like the Russia-Ukraine war, collaboration in counterterrorism, and economic and trade cooperation are also expected to be addressed during these meetings.

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