Typhoon triggers state of emergency in parts of Philippines

Typhoon triggers state of emergency in parts of Philippines

196 towns placed under state of emergency due to typhoon Doksuri that has affected 2.9M people

By Anadolu staff

ISTANBUL (AA) – At least 196 towns were placed under a state of emergency across the Philippines, hit by typhoon Doksuri, authorities said Thursday.

Philippines’ National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said in a statement that around 2.9 million people all across the Southeast Asian country were affected by strong winds and rains, Manila-based daily Phil Star reported.

Over 288,000 people remain displaced due to the impact of the typhoon.

Typhoon Doksuri has killed at least 53 people, including 26 who perished in a boat sinking, while 13 others remain missing.

It is the fifth typhoon to hit the Philippines this year and typhoon Khanun has also threatened the country by enhancing southwest monsoon and triggering flooding.

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