UAE president hails BRICS membership

UAE president hails BRICS membership

UAE to join bloc as full member in January 2024

By Ibrahim al-Khazen

ISTANBUL (AA) - United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed on Thursday welcomed the Gulf kingdom's inclusion in BRICS, a bloc of emerging economies.

“We respect the vision of the BRICS leadership and appreciate the inclusion of the UAE as a member to this important group,” he said in a tweet.

The decision came on Wednesday at the end of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.

“We look forward to a continued commitment of cooperation for the prosperity, dignity and benefit of all nations and people around the world,” he added.

Established in 2006, BRICS comprise China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa.

The bloc has agreed to expand by inviting six new countries, including Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

These six countries will become full members of the bloc by January 2024.

*Writing by Mahmoud Barakat

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