Ugandan musician on house arrest for urging gov't fall

Ugandan musician on house arrest for urging gov't fall

Bobi Wine’s arrest comes after he called for mass protests against police action, other state injustices

By Godfrey Olukya

KAMPALA, Uganda (AA) - Popular musician and opposition politician Bobi Wine was placed under house arrest over threats to overthrow government.

Wine, alias Robert Kyagulanyi, who has indicated he would stand for the presidency in 2021, recently said he wants to overthrow government through protests like those that took place in Sudan and Algeria.

His arrest came after he called for mass protests against police action and other state injustices against him and Ugandans.

Police stopped him from holding a concert Monday and escorted him to his home. There he called a news conference where he threatened to hold a massive demonstration at police headquarters in Kampala which he said would lead to the government's overthrow.

Police spokesman Fred Enanga told Anadolu Agency it was necessary to deploy personnel around Wines’ home to stop him from disrupting the public order.

“Following his being taken to his home by police yesterday, Bobi Wine came up with messages of defiance,” said Enanga. “He made threatening statements against the government. He said he would walk on foot to police headquarters and hold a demonstration from there.”

Enanga emphasized that Wine said he was starting to fight the government so that by 2021 it would have been overthrown -- a statement tantamount to committing high treason, he said.

Opposition politicians have said they are ready to join Wine to change the government through protests.

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