UK foreign secretary hails ICC arrest warrants for Putin

UK foreign secretary hails ICC arrest warrants for Putin

EU's Borrell considers decision is important for international justice

By Nur Asena Erturk

ANKARA (AA) - British foreign secretary hailed on Friday International Criminal Court (ICC)'s warrants of arrest for the Russian president.

The ICC "issued warrants of arrest" for Vladimir Putin and the presidential commissioner for children's right over alleged war crimes in Ukraine, a statement from the court said earlier.

"Those responsible for horrific war crimes in Ukraine must be brought to justice," UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said on Twitter.

"We welcome the step taken by the independent ICC to hold those at the top of the Russian regime, including Vladimir Putin, to account. Work must continue to investigate the atrocities committed," he added.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in a press conference stressed that this is "an important decision for the international justice, and for the people of Ukraine."

Meanwhile, French Foreign Ministry in a statement said it has "taken note" of the decision, stressing that Paris will keep contributing to international justice efforts against impunity, "to ensure that all those responsible for the crimes committed in Ukraine are held to account."

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