UK: Keir Mather, 25, becomes Labour's newest MP in House of Commons

UK: Keir Mather, 25, becomes Labour's newest MP in House of Commons

Mather of Labour party now earns title of 'Baby of the House'

By Aysu Bicer

LONDON (AA) - Keir Mather, 25, has become Labour's newest member of parliament after achieving a historic victory in North Yorkshire, overturning an impressive Conservative majority of 20,000 votes in a Thursday by-election.

As the currently youngest MP at age 25, the House of Commons newcomer has earned the traditional title "Baby of the House."

Defying expectations, Mather achieved a remarkable feat by overturning a substantial Conservative majority in what was traditionally considered a safe Tory seat.

The swing from Tory to Labour was a significant 23.7%, underlining the impact of his win.

Yet Mather has already faced scrutiny due to his age, with Conservative MP Johnny Mercer taking a dig at the new Labour MP, comparing him to characters from a sitcom about awkward adolescents.

"I think we mustn't become a repeat of The Inbetweeners, you have got to have people who have done stuff," Mercer, 41, told Sky News.

"You put a chip in him there and he just relates Labour lines," joked Mercer, who also serves as minister of state for veterans’ affairs.

Despite the naysayers, Mather's victory signals a promising start to his parliamentary career, and his youth may well bring a fresh perspective to the House of Commons.

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