Ukraine claims it entered Robotyne village in Zaporizhzhia region

Ukraine claims it entered Robotyne village in Zaporizhzhia region

47th Separate Mechanized Brigade organized evacuation of civilians, says Ukrainian deputy defense minister

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) – Ukraine claimed on Tuesday that its forces entered the village of Robotyne in the country’s southeastern Zaporizhzhia region, followed by the evacuation of civilians.

“Soldiers of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade during the fighting successfully evacuated six civilians from the village of Robotyne in the Melitopol direction,” Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, the commander of the Tavria operational group of troops, said on Telegram.

Tarnavskyi said that the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade informed locals of the need to leave the village due to Russian shelling upon entering Robotyne.

Earlier, Tarnavskyi shared a picture of a Ukrainian soldier in a tank, with the message: "Our soldiers in the village of Robotyne."

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said that the brigade organized the evacuation with the help of Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

“Our fighters are carrying out planned combat work and destroying the enemy. In response, the Russians are continuously shelling Robotyne with artillery. The fighting continues,” Maliar added.

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