Ukraine claims to have targeted Russian army's command post in Belgorod

Ukraine claims to have targeted Russian army's command post in Belgorod

Ukrainian Air Force carried out 'successful attack' on motorized rifle regiment in Belgorod region, says General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

By Davit Kachkachishvili

KYIV (AA) – Ukraine claimed on Sunday that it had attacked the command post of the Russian army's motorized rifle regiment in the Belgorod region, located near its border, but did not provide any additional information about casualties or damage.

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in a statement that its air force attacked the command post of the motorized rifle regiment in the Belgorod region of Russia.

"The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in collaboration with other Defense Force components, successfully attacked the enemy's motorized rifle regiment's command post in the settlement of Nekhoteyevka, Belgorod region. Explosions were reported as a result of combat operations. The target was successfully hit," according to the statement.

Russian authorities have not yet commented on the attack, and independent verification of Ukraine's claim is difficult due to the ongoing war.

*Writing by Gizem Nisa Cebi

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