Ukraine confirms involvement in Kerch Bridge explosion in October 2022

Ukraine confirms involvement in Kerch Bridge explosion in October 2022

'There are many different special operations. This is one of our implemented operations,' says head of Ukraine’s Security Service

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) – Ukraine on Wednesday confirmed its involvement in the explosion that took place on the Kerch Bridge in October 2022.

“There are many different special operations. We will be able to talk about some of them after the victory, we won't talk about some of them at all ... This is one of our implemented operations, namely the destruction of the Crimean bridge on October 8 last year,” Vasyl Maliuk, the head of Ukraine’s Security Service, said during a presentation in the capital Kyiv.

At least three people were killed on October 8, 2022, when an explosion occurred on the road and rail crossing that connects Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, which it annexed in 2014.

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukrainian intelligence of carrying out what he said was a “terrorist attack” on the bridge.

While Kyiv had not explicitly claimed responsibility, multiple statements by top Ukrainian officials in the hours following the attack pointed to the possibility, including one from presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak, who said the blast was just “the beginning.”

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