Ukraine mounts national trident on Soviet-era Motherland monument in Kyiv

Ukraine mounts national trident on Soviet-era Motherland monument in Kyiv

Works on Motherland Monument to be completed by Aug. 24

By Ercin Erturk and Oleksii Chumachenko

KYIV, Ukraine (AA) - Ukraine on Sunday has installed the country’s national trident on the Soviet-era Motherland monument, located in the capital Kyiv.

Images and footage of the Motherland Monument showed Ukraine’s coat of arms being fitted onto the shield of the 102-meter-high statue built in 1981, which had been emblazoned with the Soviet hammer and sickle symbol.

Works on the removal of the Soviet coat of arms from the statue was announced by the Ukrainian Culture Ministry on July 30, which further said that the works on the monument will be completed by Aug. 24, the country's Independence Day.

*Writing by Burc Eruygur in Istanbul

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