Ukraine to receive $240B in military aid from international partners over 4 years

Ukraine to receive $240B in military aid from international partners over 4 years

‘Under these agreements, over the next 4 years, our partners plan to provide Ukraine with total military support worth USD 60 billion annually,’ says Ukrainian Premier Shmyhal

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) – The Ukrainian prime minister said on Friday that Kyiv's international partners intend to provide the country with military assistance worth $60 billion annually for the next four years.

According to a statement posted on Ukraine's government portal, Denys Shmyhal said Kyiv has signed 20 security agreements with its allies, including the EU and the US. “This is a unique story that opens up new opportunities for defense cooperation and provides a basis for our future security in peacetime.”

“Under these agreements, over the next 4 years, our partners plan to provide Ukraine with total military support worth USD 60 billion annually," he said.

He noted that June is a month of significant “victories” for his country, thanks to the dedicated work of the Ukrainian team led by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Russia launched its war on Ukraine in February 2022, over 28 months ago.

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