Ukraine's 24th Mechanized Brigade takes positions in Donetsk region

Ukraine's 24th Mechanized Brigade takes positions in Donetsk region

24th Mechanized Brigade is known as Ukrainian ground forces’ oldest brigade

By Jose Colon

DONETSK, Ukraine (AA) - Ukraine's 24th Mechanized Brigade has taken positions in the settlement of Niu-York in the country’s eastern Donetsk region.

Known as Ukraine’s ground forces’ oldest brigade, the 24th Mechanized Brigade has participated in the 17-month-long war with Russia.

The brigade was originally formed as the 1st Simbirsk Infantry Division in 1918 during the Russian Civil War.

The Donetsk region, a part of the largely Russian-speaking industrialized Donbas region that Moscow illegally annexed last year, has been the site of fierce fighting between Russia and Ukraine.

*Writing by Burc Eruygur in Istanbul

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