Ukraine’s membership in NATO would have triggered new world war: Hungarian Premier

Ukraine’s membership in NATO would have triggered new world war: Hungarian Premier

West wants Russia-Ukraine war to continue for a long time, according to Viktor Orban

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday said that Ukraine’s membership in NATO would have triggered a new world war.

“If Ukraine had been admitted to NATO, it would have meant an immediate world war,” Orban said in a radio interview.

He added that the plan to admit Ukraine to the military alliance had to be prevented and "cleared away" at the NATO summit.

According to Orban, the West wants the Russian-Ukrainian war to continue for a long time.

“The Hungarian government must therefore be prepared for the fact that the war and the sanctions will not disappear any time soon,” he added.

Orban also criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s “unusual” communication style.

“If you are in trouble and you ask for help, behave appropriately,” Orban said.

He added that British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace even criticized Ukrainian President Zelenskyy after the NATO summit for his “lack of gratitude.”

"The Ukrainians are aggressive, they are demanding," said Orban, adding that the world looks different from Ukraine than it does from our “comfortable leather armchairs.”

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